23 March 2018

Introducing Pip Hartle

While we officially welcomed UK potter Pip Hartle to the shop last Fall, we've organized a small interview here. Let's have a proper introduction shall we?

JB: How did you come around to clay?
PHI had been traveling in Central America for six months and I really missed making.  On return to London I signed up for some adult education classes in a few different subjects.  I had studied Textiles as a degree years before, but I wanted to try something new.  Once I started to get pots out the kiln I was hooked.  I loved the physicality of it, the relationship you build with the material and the differences between the various processes involved.

JB: When the stars align, where do you like to eat out in London?
We are so spoiled with food here in London. A few favourites are Moro, 40 Maltby Street, Mengal, Violets, Lelias, Bocca di Lupo, Tyabbs, Silk Road.

JB: What's your favourite shape to throw and why?
PHThat is a tricky one! I guess any shape that is perfectly proportioned is always satisfying.  Although sometimes I will throw a technically great shape and it just won't feel like me, so I'd rather throw something that feels like a true representation of me.  If its a little off and chunky, so be it.
I think a cylinder is the best place to start and everything else comes from that.  

JB: Transportation. Walk, Tube, or Bicycle?
Hands down BICYCLE.  you see things on the bike that you just wouldn't see or experience otherwise.

JB: Dogs or Cats?
Dogs. I am a huge animal lover and if I didn't work with clay I would want to work with animals.
I have a dog and I literally cannot express how much I love him.  This morning he got the whiff of some poor creature and I had to scale fences and fight through brambles to find him. But I still can't help but adore life with an animal.

15 February 2018

Feeling, Craving, Sunny

I can only speak for myself and myself says that January and February in New England can really drag a person down. Yellow, yellow, sunny yellow is all that I crave and maybe, secretly, you want it too. Scents that are warming. Bowls that are comforting to hold-and that hold fortifying foods. Animal hide always helps. Here it is. Shortly after photographing this little collection, my husband and I visited the Rose Art Museum over at Brandeis. The featured exhibition was Joe Bradley.  It was a sign. Yellow can be a Winter cure all, along with a little lemon verbena hand-creme, of course. We hope you enjoy this grouping. If you'd like to know when new collections are launched, be sure to add yourself to our email list.

01 December 2017

Dec.9 + 10: Holiday Shopping Turned Fundraiser

Be sure to stop by December 9th & 10th. We'll have fresh holiday greens, wreaths, and garlands courtesy of our flower farmer friend Laura at Templeton General. Fresh baked gingerbread mittens will be on 'hand' from Beverly Hsu. And, plenty of gifts will be in store to help you complete your lists! The two days are pretty important as we'll be donating a portion of our weekend sales to both Rosie's Place and the Unidos Disaster Relief and Recovery Program for Puerto Rico. There will be local business raffle too! Up to date details can be found via our Instagram feed.  Hope you'll join!