28 October 2023


Now through November 4th, Pod is asking for mittens, scarves, hats, and gloves for the kids over at the Cambridge Community Center After-School Program. New and lightly worn items accepted. If your item has a little hole, bring it anyway! Kristen Lombardi from Manimal and HighHand Mending Company will be handling our donation mends so you know they'll be great. The Center's immediate need is for children ages 5-13. 

Donations can be dropped off at Pod during normal biz hours between now - November 4th. We'll take it from there. If you don't have any of the above, we'd love it if you could spread the word. That's always helpful too. XX

Located between Central Square and Memorial Drive, the Cambridge Community Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to effectively and efficiently meet the evolving needs of youth, families, and seniors living in Cambridge and its surrounding communities with innovative programs and services for over 90 years. Many of the staff and children in their programs come from families that have been involved with the Center for four or five generations, enriching the Center with a strong sense of history, family, and community. 

10 October 2023

Papa's Got A Brand New Catch

Join us Saturday, October 14th from noon–5p as we welcome back Marc Bareda of Papa’s Catch Salmon.

Based in Southborough, MA, Papa’s Catch offers sustainably-caught, wild Alaskan sockeye salmon. Harvested in Bristol Bay, Alaska, which boasts the largest and healthiest wild sockeye salmon run on the planet, Papa’s Catch takes pride in providing a sustainable product that nourishes individuals and communities alike. 
Aside from filling CSA pickups and pre-order pickup, Marc will be selling salmon fillets on site—whole and portioned—that have been de-boned, vacuum packaged and flash frozen. The freshness and quality is un-matched! 
Join us, Marc, shop, and learn about sustainable fishing efforts in Bristol Bay. 
New and familiar faces are most welcomed.

If you can’t make it to our event, you can also find Papa’s Catch Salmon here.

20 September 2023

Pod is 25!

Last week, Pod turned 25.
Yes, a whole quarter of a century has gone by and we blame YOU. You encouraged. You brought your dogs when ours had passed. You tried something new--repeatedly. You supported the causes. You purchased what you could during more than one recession. You dragged in your out-of-town friends. You stood in line outside during a nationwide pandemic. You made this shop your "third space". You hitched your wagon to our runaway train and put your trays in their upright position as we took off and crash landed into your hearts. How dare you. Thank you. We'll never forgive you. 
Join us Friday, 9/22 and enjoy 25% off your purchase. For our friends further afield, use code WOW25 online. That day, shop hours will be 12-7p. From 5-7p we'll be serving up bubbly beverages. We hope you'll be there. We'd love to raise a glass to you. And humbly, Thank you. X, J