05 September 2020

Hello September

And just like that, September is here.  How's everyone holding up out there? Still washing your hands, donning a face covering, and keeping your distance? We hope so because friends, we have got to turn this pandemic frown upside down.  Along with continuing health protocols and VOTING, we may see some light after all. For sure, the chillier mornings have us feeling somehow lighter and while heavier societal issues prevail, we are keeping positive through creativity--through the reworking of this tiny space, through the introduction of new vendors, new textures. We are finding comfort, if not purpose, in the continuity of beauty, craft, personal connection, and community. We hope you'll continue to join us. 
A new season brings new shop hours and some old rules:
Tuesday-Saturday 11a-5p
Tuesday-Saturday 10a-10:45a reserved for private appointments.
Book Button at the bottom of this page.
Masks are a must 
TWO guests at at time permitted in the shop

Stay well friends. Hope to see you soon, Julie

03 July 2020

Summer Hours and Covid Precautions

Hello Friends! It looks like all of that hand-washing, social distancing, and mask wearing is proving successful (at least here in MA). We're ready to offer up more visiting opportunities so starting July 8th, our Summer shop hours will look like this:

Wed-Sat: 10-10:45a reserved for appointments
Book your appointment here

Wed-Sat: 11a-5p Walk-In's Welcome ( 2 guests at-a-time max )

House Rules:
2 guests will be permitted in our shop at-a-time.
Wear a mask.
Stay 6ft apart.
Upon entry, you will be asked to apply hand sanitizer.
Do not arrive wearing gloves. We will ask you to remove them and if you really want to wear gloves whilst shopping, we can provide a pair for you.
We are not accepting cash at this time. Please bring a card.
Do not bring your own shopping bag. We will provide that if necessary. 

For those of you who do not feel comfortable entering our shop just yet, we will continue to offer shipping and curbside pick-up. We are shipping on Tuesdays and Fridays.

17 March 2020

Covid-19 Updates

June 8th, 2020 Update: Introducing Phase: 2 Cautious. Beginning Thursday, June 11th, we will be open by appointment only. Moving forward, for now, appointments will be booked on the hour from 11a-4p Tuesday-Saturday and will be 45 minutes in length--allowing us to clean and prepare between guests. An 'appointment' can accommodate one person or a party of two. Please book your appointment. 
House Rules:
Wear a mask.
Stay 6ft apart.
When you enter, we’ll ask to squirt some hand-sanitizer on your hands before you get going.
Do not arrive wearing gloves. We will ask you to remove them and if you really want to wear gloves whilst shopping, we can provide a pair for you.
We are not accepting cash at this time. Please bring a debit card, credit card, or apply pay.
Please do not bring your own shopping bag. We will provide that if necessary. 

For those of you who do not feel comfortable entering our shop just yet, we will continue to offer shipping and curbside pick-up. We continue to ship on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Los Poblanos hand sanitizer available here.


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

After much consideration for the safety of our staff and that of our community, we have decided to close our bricks and mortar shop until further notice. Our online shops, Pod and Shop Fog Linen will continue to operate.

Having run this business through the tragedy of 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2008, my observation is  that during a time like this, a shop like ours provides a moment of peaceful escape, a respite from anxious thinking, and simply, an opportunity to engage in 'normal' activities. Familiarity of place, voice, and even shop 'smell'-- it can be a tiny, calming antidote. Aside from the financial ramifications that this decision will surely bring, it is the interruption of this very un-defined emotional service that I find most troubling. In good conscious though, I cannot encourage my employees or our faithful clients to gather at Pod right now. The shop is so sanitized and sparkling with wonderful new items for Spring that we're eager to share with you, but for today, social distancing is the name of the game. We all need to hop on board.

Because we are still running our online venues, I will be at the shop periodically. If there's something you need (like soap-it works!), email: info@shop-pod.com, or DM us via Instagram. We'll figure it out. We can ship and local deliveries are possible too. Thank you for your understanding and stay healthy!
All of us look forward to seeing you on the other side. 

With gratitude,